Saturday, October 22, 2005

Be Careful What You Wish For....

Well anybody that knows Mike knows he's a hard core Dukes of Hazzard fan. He watched the show religiously back in the day. He always hoped that his kids would have the same love for the show that he did and still does. For those of you thinking Mike watched and still watches the show for Daisy, you're way off. It's all about the car folks. The '69 Dodge Charger. I can't tell you how many times I've watched him slo-mo a jump scene. Obviously they used many different Chargers to film the series and within seconds he can tell you what car they are using. These things he can remember, but the password for our online banking alludes him. Remembering to bring home diapers or where we have to drop off/pick up Abby that's a little tricky too.

So along comes Abby and in her short lifetime the show has become popular again. The series is replayed on a couple of cable channels. CMT, to Mike's annoyance, seems to only play episodes from the first two seasons. Before too long the first season is released on DVD and, surprise, Mike picks up a copy the very first day. Next thing you know they're making a remake starring Jessica Simpson among others. Mike was there opening night. So you have to expect that Abby has had some exposure to the show. What we didn't expect is that she would take to it with a greater love than even her father has for it.

Back in it's original hey day the show had it's own soundtrack album. Which Mike of course owned on LP. Years later it was released on CD and we own that as well. Every time, and I am by no means exagerating, EVERY TIME we get in the van to go some where she asks to hear the general lee song. If we attempt to tell her no, she will cry and not stop until we either a) put the CD in for her or b) work out a deal with her in which we promise to play her the CD before we reach our destination. She even sings along, but the Lord help you if you attempt to sing along as well.

In the house she asks to watch the DVD's so often that Mike rarely allows her to watch them on our TV. She has to watch them on the TV in her toy room because, believe it or not, even Mike has limits to how much Dukes of Hazzard he can watch. Mike had a 1/24th scale die cast model of the general lee that has since been handed over to Abby to play with. Abby and I recently rediscovered this toy during a toy box clean out and she was so ecstatic to see that that she spent several minutes kissing the hood. It's funny to see Abby get so excited about all things Dukes related. It's even funnier to watch Mike sigh and roll his eyes at the mere mention of the show.

In other updates, I had a Doctor's appointment this week. Everything appears to be progressing normally. I only gained 1.5 pounds, how that was possible I have no idea because I eat like crazy. Heartbeat was good and strong. I have an ultrasound booked for next Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have a picture to share. The Doc is also considering this baby/pregnancy highrisk for a VSD. Abby was born with a hole in her heart (VSD) and because of that we need to be concerned about this baby's heart. So she will be sending me for a 2-D scan of the baby's heart, so if by chance this baby has a similar problem we will know before he/she arrives. With Abby we had no idea there was anything so seriously wrong with her until she was a day and a half old. At the completion of my appointment the doc declared me perfect. Gee thanks, can I get that in writing?

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