Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's Tuesday, What's Up With You?

Well I think the Take a Test Tuesday is going to go on hiatus for a while. I'm just not feeling it these days. To be honest I'm not feeling much in the blogging arena these days.I'm not quite sure what that's all about but hopefully that will pass soon. I did end up catching Michael's cold, (thanks honey) I figure once that has run it's course I'll be back to my witty self.

Mike and I are woking on plans for a major renovation to be started in the fall. It involved gutting the girls' playroom and turning part of it into a new laundry room/bathroom. The old bathroom with become a new walk in pantry/storage room. Right now we're at the arguing stage. Mike's almost finished tiling the back splash and it looks great. He's quite proud of himself. I think he should tile around the tub in the new bathroom. Michael, however, it adamant that we get a one piece tub surround. We'll see who wins this one. I used to be able to "win" such arguments by pointing out how such things will up the resell value, but since he's figured out that Iwill likely never move it's no longer a viable bargaining chip. In preparation for a new large scale renovation we've been working furiously to tie up any currently ongoing projects. For Mike that entails finishing up the kitchen and installing the handrail going up the stairs. For me that includes a lot of painting. Yesterday I finished up painting the girls' bedroom doors. Today I started repainting the little bonus room that connect the office and the kitchen. Once that's complete I'll start on the laundry room. So exactly as I had predicted earlier one job leads to about 147 more.

Abby is currenlty out at a sleep over at Papa and Grandma Linda's. She was very excited to go and packed her own suitcase. It consisted of her entire Dora the Explorer DVD collection (11 DVD's) and nothing else. Not really unusual when you figure she spends half her day naked anyway.

Maya, who's usually so great during the day, taking very predictable morning and afternoon naps every day like a dream has been somewhat cranky and irritable today. Actually she's pretty cranky and irritable right now. So I'm thinking I better scoop her up and give her some cuddle time before the neighbours get here to find out what all the fuss is about.

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