Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Currently Bzzing Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes

Disclaimer: I am a BzzAgent. The nice folks down at Central Hive hooked me up with this product in return for my honest opinion and as much word of mouth advertising as I can generate.

Well folks I have completed my first BzzCampaign (hmm is BzzCampaign one word or two???) for the book Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes. As soon as I got this book I was looking forward to reading it. I have read and enjoyed Marian Keyes previous work so I knew I was in for a treat. This book far surpassed my expectations. By the time I had finished reading the first chapter I was hooked. The characters drew me in right away, I was emotionally invested from the start. I wanted to read the book quickly, I couldn't wait to find out how the story played out. On the other hand I wanted to take my time and savour this book because I knew once I got to the end I'd have to say good-bye to, the heroine, Anna and her wonderfully eccentric collection of family and friends. This is the perfect beach/vacation book, some place where you have a lot of time on your hands because it's hard to put down.

So what's this book all about? What makes it so special? Well folks I can't really tell you. Not in any great detail anyway. One of the greatest things about this book is the twists and turns in the plot. When I received this book I immediately slotted into the "chick-lit", something along the lines of the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella, but this book is so much more than that. Nothing against the Shopaholic series, I read and loved that as well. I guess it's more chick-lit with a deeper message. I would compare it to Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. Very basically the story is about Anna, who would desparately like to get back to her life in New York city and, more importantly,find her missing husband but instead is laid up on her mother's couch in Ireland. Her mother, who would rather have her stay in Ireland and forget all about her husband. I have to admit I thought, after a couple of chapters I could see where the story was headed. Yes, I thought smugly to myself, I can see how this will play out. Boy was I wrong. Insert shocked face here. Well done Ms. Keyes! And the plot twists just kept on coming. So my brief synopsis will have to suffice. I would hate to give anything away. I can tell you this is a very funny book. Lots of eccentric characters. Lots of Irish slang. I've learned all kinds of new fun phrases I can't wait to work into conversation. Things like warcrime, narky and ding dong. I can only hope they catch on here.

So I encourage all my fellow readers out there to rush out today and pick yourself up a copy of Anybody Out There? By Marian Keyes. You won't be disappointed. Better yet, pick up a copy right now at Amazon.ca, there's a product link located to your left.

Interested in being a BzzAgent yourself? First ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you like to try new and exciting products? Do you already tell firends and family about great new products you have tried and loved? If so leave me a comment and I'll tell you how you can get hooked up.

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