Thursday, November 09, 2006

Big Winner

Oh boy am I on a roll. A real hot streak. Yep, I am what you would call a lucky duck. In the last 24 hours I have won cash and prizes beyond my wildest dreams.

First there was the 649 ticket we bought. I already had that $36 million spent because, you know, it's always good to have a plan. If you aren't careful you could blow through that in no time. When I heard this morning that there was a winning ticket sold in Ontario I just knew I was a winner. I could feel it in my bones and, people, my bones don't lie. We won a cash prize of $10. The fact that we spent $20 on tickets and are contractually obligated to split the winnings with Dad and Linda is irrelevant.

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from uDVD about the "Famiily Friendly Prize Pack" I had won. I enter contests there all the time, so I really have no idea what I've won. I am willing to go out of a limb and say it's a DVD.

Finally, we won a contest I didn't know we had entered. As of yesterday we are the proud owners of a highly coveted TMX doll. The jury is still out on what the fate of the red fur ball is going to be. One side is lobbying hard for selling him on the black market eBay, but it's unfortunate that camp doesn't hold enough votes to claim the majority.

My wins to date for 2006 total $245

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