- I invited Robin, Tim and the kids over with promises of feeding them. Then I totally forgot that I'd said that and didn't feed them. I remembered an *hour* after they left for home. Surprisingly enough Robin is still talking to me. True story.
- We had a family reunion of sorts with Mike's (step) sisters and their families. It was great fun and we'd really been looking forward to it. We haven't all been together in.... well I can't really remember the last time. So it was a bit awkward in the beginning, of course that may have just been me because I'm awkward in social settings. Still we managed to have a good time, ate lots of Chinese food and are going to make plans to do it again soon. It was on the way home at 9:30 that Mike reminded me that Sunday (that would be in 12 hours) was White Gift Sunday at church. I needed sandwiches for lunch, a gift for a 5 - 12 year old girl and canned goods. Guess who didn't have sandwiches, a gift or canned goods? All I can say is thank God for Grandma Linda. Of course after she bailed me out I couldn't help but feel horribly guilty about not having my shit together.
- Then Sunday, because screwing over one friend just wasn't enough, I went ahead and made plans with Grandma Sandi. I, of course, already had plans with my BFF Nicole that I completely forgot about as soon as someone mentioned free Chinese food. Yep, I can be bought for an eggroll. To make matters worse I had practically begged Nic to come over and watch a movie with me. Surprisingly, she is still talking to me as well.
Despite the inner workings of my brain being slightly askew, I still managed to pull this kick ass ensemble together for Abby.

Mike couldn't believe I was sending her to church like that. He didn't realize it was stylish. What do expect from a guy who only wears blue, black and gray? Abby loved it, she kept trying to pose like a supermodel when I took this picture. She knew she was very fashion forward. It was a big hit at church and the anniversary party we went too.
I'll close with another picture of Abby, again with the red boots. Light flurries started to fall this afternoon just after 4, by 6:30 the ground was covered and Abby was itching to go sledding and make a snow angel. She settled for eating handfuls of snow until frostbite started to set in. I guess winter has finally arrived.

I need to get me a pair of them red boots! They go from church to snow all while adding a sense of playful innocence! Abby is too cute.
Btw, I'm the former "michelle" that commented, but now I'm a fellow Blogger. Thought I'd give you the heads-up that I'll be using your What's Cooking Wednesday meme and linking to you tomorrow :)
I would have loved a pair of boots like that when I was her age. She hates that I won't let her wear them to school. The teacher only wants them to wear shoes/boots they can put on themselves and she hasn't quite mastered those zippers yet.
Can't wait to check out your recipe tomorrow.
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