Abby handled it much better than I was expecting her too. She wasn't too timid about operating a pint sized motor vehicle. She also successfully avoided driving into any trees, people or dogs that were on the property.

Yard driving is a little tricky in that our lawn is far from even. So occasionally she'd have a tire lose contact with Mother earth. Mike, helpfully, stayed close by to give a push towards ground that had more level like properties.

After a short tutorial in the back yard we let her loose on the open road. She hauled ass all the way to the neighbours before turning around to head back home. I think she would have stayed out longer if it hadn't been so freakin' cold outside. Not exactly convertible Jeep driving weather.
Yeah, that there is clearly a summer vehicle. But shouldn't that Cabbage Patch be in a car seat or something? FYI, the little code thing I have to type right now? fuziour...is that a French word I should know?
That's a very good point Michelle. She's going all Britney Spears on me. Better nip that in the bud quickly.
She actually does have the doll seat belted in with not only the velcro, but also with an elaborate series of knots.
No clue on that word. High school french was a long long long time ago.
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