Abby: Oh wow Mom, Barbie wrote her name! Is she really real? Is my toy really real?
Well ahhh and further more hmmmm. What to say? I realized if I told her that Barbie was real that I'd be lying. I mean it's a toy. I know that. She knows that. On the other hand didn't Santa just visit us? So I guess the big question is why do I feel so comfortable lying about the existence of Santa, but get tongue tied when the issue of a real live Barbie comes up?
Abby sat there waiting for my answer while internally I struggled with myself. For some odd reason I just couldn't open my mouth and assure my four year old that of course Barbie was really real. I mean I highly doubt it would have scarred her for life. I don't think adulthood would have found her weeping at the knowledge that her Barbie wasn't a real person. Most likely she would have forgotten all about it. In the end I quickly mumbled a "sure" and then distracted her by suggesting we bake some cookies in her Easy Bake Oven. But really, what up with that? I am perfectly willing to allow her to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy but a piece of molded plastic I draw the line at. She's not even expecting anything from Barbie. The others exist purely for gifts, chocolate and money. Of course who am I to say? Maybe in the

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Actually Barbie is "really real" though maybe not in the way your daughter may have ment... you can read about it at ... real people behind big names...
Thanks for the link :)
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