Thursday, February 08, 2007

One hundred

Tomorrow Abby is celebrating 100 days of school. Which is pretty funny when you figure she only goes two days a week. Apparently the school board is willing to look the other way on this issue in regards to the j/k's anyway. Now you know that any celebration worth it's salt has to have some sort of "celebration hat" and this one is no exception. Some generous parent donated 100 painter hats to the school. Abby's homework for this week was to decorate her hat with 100 items. To make it easier for me Abby the teacher suggested working in groups of ten. Well with this plague of sickness we've had hanging over the house this week the hat decorating got left until the last minute.

Now my original plan was to head over the the dollar store and pick up some cheap craft items to glue to her hat, but we managed to completely drop the ball on that one. So this afternoon found me searching the house high and low looking for something, anything that Abby could stick on to a hat. Of course you have to know this evening was totally crammed full. Thank goodness Papa took care of dinner tonight or I don't know what would have happened. In the few hours between arriving home and the girl's bedtime I needed to give them both a bath, feed them, medicate them, decorate a hat, scan some pictures, tidy up after dinner, get Abby to choir practice, help out with choir practice (that's what happens when you're the only Mom who stays), get Abby home, both girls in jammies and both in bed. Some how, with a lot of help from Papa we managed to pull it off.

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Papa and Abby hard at work. After making Abby a potato stamp 'A' and then letting her make finger prints with paint I remembered a huge book of stickers Mom had given her for Christmas. It went a lot quicker after that.

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The finished project. They did a pretty great job.

As for Maya she busied herself with whining, crying and pushing this chair around the kitchen, which is her new favourite hobby.

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