Not long after we got home she scurried off to the toy room to play. After a few moments I popped in to check on her only to find her sitting at Abby's desk. She'd climbed up into the seat all by herself. So there she sat, legs swinging away and a big huge I'm so proud of myself grin on her face. I, of course, dash off to get the camera and when I come back I find this (please don't judge my dirty windows)

She'd conquered sitting, so why stop there? Within seconds she was attempting to climb up onto the desktop. She was not happy when I squashed that plan. So to get even with me, the second my back was turned she hightailed it up the stairs. Like all the way to the top. Then pulled a wrought iron picture frame over on top of herself. Which is what alerted me to her being up there, sitting on the landing with a picture frame across her legs. Screaming the house down.
Mike missed all the excitement so as I was filling him in later Abby pipes up with, "I should have warned you about that."
Me: You knew she climbed up there?
Abby: Yes, I should have warned you Mom.
Well that would have been nice, but really Mom dropped the ball here. I guess the days of her being totally disinterested in the stairs are long gone. Time to pull out the baby gates. Maybe start buckling her into the highchair while I'm at it. Maybe I'll just glue her to the floor. It might be easier.
Good thing she's cute.

Because seriously how can you stay angry at a face like that?
1 comment:
You just can't.
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