Monday, May 21, 2007

Give her a hand.

Well Mike and I are on holidays this week so you should expect a week full of what-I-did-on-my-vacation posts. And yes I will be pulling on the slide projector, pinning a white sheet to the living room wall and fascinating you all with the slides from our trip to SomeBoringTown, Ontario. I kid. It will be slightly more interesting than that. Promise.

Today for example we took a trip down to the Hamilton Harbour Front, a portion of which Mike or I hadn't visited before, to check out Abby's class' art installation.

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For the next couple of weeks they will be on display along the trail in front of Williams Coffee pub, then they will move to their permanent location. Which would be affixed to the side of one of the many storage buildings down there in an attempt to beautify them just a bit. All the kids in the j/k and s/k class have two hand prints (one for each hand) some where on the mural.

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Here is one of Abby's.

It was great to see the mural finished, we had seen it at it's half way point at the open house, but Abby was far from the ideal companion. She's been a bit fractious and argumentative lately and it's really begun to wear on both Mike and I, but that needs an entire post of it's own. All in all it was an enjoyable day if a bit rushed. As it turns out there is lots of interesting and affordable things to do down there, so don't be surprised if you hear about us going back.

photographic evidence available here.

1 comment:

L Sass said...

Abby looks so proud! I need more kid art in my life.