Sunday, June 17, 2007

for Dad

In terms of family, I got a lot the day I married Michael and it's a really amazing family to be a part of, but for today I'd like to focus on just one member.

I'm not going to lie to you, when I first starting seeing Mike his Dad was more than a little intimidating. He was rather on the stern side and I'm being kind here. Now my perception of him could have something to do with my being fatherless for quite a few years before meeting him, who knows. All I know is I was incapable of speaking when he was anywhere in the general vicinity. But time marched on and for some reason I kept hanging around. It was only inevitable that we would begin speaking to each other. Especially after the whole marrying his son thing. Now, I'm proud to say, I can definitely hold up my end of the conversation.

It's been interesting watching Mike's Dad change over the last 18 years. Not just him, of course, but I've changed and my relationship with him has changed. I've grown to love him very much. I can't imagine I'd love or respect him anymore than my own father. Although he doesn't say it I know his feelings for me are no different than those for his sons. All the very best of him are the things I love so much in Michael. His sense of humour, respect of family, work ethic and so much more. I got lucky there on both counts.

Of the many changes we've seen each other through, the biggest is the arrival of the girls and the beginning of a new era in this family, one of new parents and new grandparents. It's through Abby and Maya that I see the best changes in him. I see a man who fathered rough and tumble boys getting the opportunity to experience the sweetness of little girls. You know, he once happily carried a little pink purse up a busy parade route because Abby didn't want to carry it anymore. He completely respects me as a parent and supports the choices I've made in how I am raising my kids. When it comes to the girls it's easy to see how he's softened over the years. Back in the day, without hesitation, he'd give his boys a boot in the ass if he felt it necessary (let's not judge it was a different time), but I'd be willing to bet the farm that idea has never entered his head in the last five years. In fact I'm sure he'd be horrified if anyone ever even suggested Abby needed a boot in the ass. I'd even go so far as to suggest there are times when he thinks I'm probably too strict. I love that he is so willing to invest time with the girls. That he doggedly continues to try to build a relationship with Maya despite her "I only really like my Mommy/Daddy" (sorry about that) phase. That he's willing to kick a ball around the back yard for ages because Abby think it's awesome. That he'll climb a tree because Abby asked him too. The list is endless.

I often say I don't have a Dad and that's really not 100% true. I've got one. I've got one of the best ones and what better day than today to say I love you Dad!

2007-06-17 014


Anonymous said...

Papa Bwyan certainly is a blessing in our lives.
Happy Fathers Day Papa!!!
You as well Mike :)

Shan said...

Yes he really is.

darlene said...

that is a real nice picture of him and the girls