Monday, July 16, 2007

getting you up to speed

Can I tell you a secret?

Come here.


I'm afraid I have become addicted to Victoria Beckham; Coming to America. Seriously. No joke. I flipped it on tonight and ... well yeah I guess instantly hooked would cover it. Umm do you still respect me because I understand if you don't. I mean I have a problem. A reality TV programming problem. And this maybe the signal that it's out of control.

Okay, deep cleansing breath and let's move on shall we?

So I know you're all wondering how Miss Abby did today with the whole Vacation Bible School/not wanting to leave the house thing and she did great. Papa reported there were no problems and she was ready to go we he got here to pick her up. So maybe this whole thing is over. Touch wood.

Took the kids for a walk tonight on the rail trail that's conveniently located just steps from my house. Well I walked, Abby road her bike and Maya kicked back in the stroller. As we walked I tried to teach Abby a little bit of rail trail etiquette. For example how she could ride her bike beside me, but she should speed up and ride ahead of me when people are coming in the other direction. For the most part we had the trail to ourselves, but as we were approaching our exit from the trail that I noticed two riders coming our way. Just as I'd taught her Abby sped up and fell in line with Maya and I. So coming towards us we have two hot hard body hardcore trail riders and here's Abby on her pink Dora bike, with training wheels, purple basket, tinsel handle bar streamers and an after market bell that she's ringing for all she's worth. Presumably to warn the oncoming traffic she's coming through. [aside]Did I mention they were hot? Because they were hawt![/aside] As the first guy gets closer he flashes me smile and calls out, "I don't even have a bell on my bike". So I thought he was a hottie before now it's off the charts because he thinks my kid is cute. By contrast the two middle aged road racers who were too busy discussing hedge funds or some such bullshit to wave to a one year old who was waving her arm off well they just suck.


L Sass said...

My bike has a bell on it and I love it. I'm not ashamed.

Nor should you be ashamed to admit your love of Beckham mania!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

The Posh thing must have to do with the fact that you both spell it "favourite."

Otherwise, I got nothin'.

But I still love you :)

Shan said...

Thanks Laurel. Some how I knew you'd understand.

Michelle what can I say we are a British colony. I guess we have to stick together. Still love you too;)

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I really like Victoria's show too. It got slammed by the critics but I thought it was "major". Then again, I've watched "The Surreal Life" so don't judge your sane-ness by me :)

Shan said...

I have to admit I am guilty of watching Surreal Life too. Come on, how could you not watch?