Monday, July 23, 2007

one down, four to go

Today was Abby's first day of Horse Camp, her birthday present from Grandma Sandi. I have to admit I have had some misgivings about this week. If the subject of Horse Camp had come up prior to it being purchased I very likely would have vetoed the whole deal. I had a sneaking suspicion it was going to be too much for Abby as she is going from 8 until 4 all this week. With that in mind I have been preparing myself for one over tired and miserable girl for the end of this week. As it turns out I was giving Abby way too much credit.

Today we picked her up a little bit early as she and Maya had an appointment to get their shots at the doctor's . We heard some nice things about Abby (apparently she's very outgoing... who knew?) and accepted some condolences for the sudden loss of Chance, Abby's pony this past weekend while we waited for Abby to gather her things together. The stable really is a lovely place and Abby had a great time riding, crafting, swimming and playing. Since one of Grandma Sandi's horses boards there Abby is already pretty well acquainted with the place. So we head for home to pick up Maya and hear all about her day (she rode Joey, played in the forest and made a kite out of a paper bag). We hit the back door and she devoured two apple sauces and a peanut butter sandwich before we headed back out. I think she worked up a bit of an appetite.

The doctor's appointment went as well as could be expected. Abby tipped the scales at 48 pounds and Maya wasn't too far behind at 26. Everything else was as it should be. Then came time for the shots, two for each of them. Abby started crying when the doc left to get the needles and didn't stop until well after it was over. Maya made not one peep, in fact she barely blinked with either one. I was shocked.

After the doctor came groceries and then finally home for dinner. Not long after that was bed time. And that would be when it all went pear shaped. Abby cried while she brushed her teeth. The toothpaste was making her teeth hot. She cried because I opened the door to the bathroom to check on her. She cried because the cat was looking at her. She cried because she had no pyjamas downstairs. She cried because I was making her put on pyjamas. She cried because she didn't like the pyjamas I picked out. And then she asked if she could watch cartoons before bed. I said no and she.... yep, you guessed it cried. It took all of my patience to stay calm and just get her into bed. I think she was asleep the minute her head hit the pillow. I can only expect the same for tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. And the..... well you get it. On the other hand though she had such a great time it seems a small price to pay and it is only one week. *Sigh* I'm predicting Friday night will be drinks night.


Maddy said...

I'd send you my emergency energy pack but I'm afraid that I will need it myself before the day is through.

qualcosa di bello said...

"I'm predicting Friday night will be drinks night."

ok, shan, can i join you???

Merry said...

Isn't it sad that things they have so much fun doing can make them such crankpots? You know it's going to happen but you can't/don't want to stop it b/c you know that they will have so much fun. :( Hopefully it was mostly the shots that were the problem & the rest of the week will be a cakewalk.