Given my love for carving pumpkins Papa asked me if I would be willing to take of this task for the school fair committee, this was before we knew of the "no carving" rule. No once carving was off the table my next thought was to make it a project Abby could do, since it was the school fair's pumpkin and Abby is a school kid.

This is our pumpkin. Well, to be fair it's Mike's pumpkin. Once Abby and I started working on it Mike turned into

is pretty stinkin' cute! Mike and Papa pooled their resources and won the giant Dora head pumpkin for a bid of $30 for the girls. The hair is actually a wooden salad bowl someone had cut the bangs out of. Kind of makes our look like crap, but don't worry Mike is already hard at work on next year's design.

Maya loved the giant Dora head and spent many minutes in serious conversation with it, cupping the "face" in her hands to ensure she had Dora's complete attention. Those are the moments I could eat her up with a spoon.
And I'll close with a funny Abby story....
Saturday night we left the fair well past Abby's bedtime. Ever the little girl scout Abby had packed her blanket into her back pack in anticipation of the late night ride home. So at 11 PM as we're clicking our seat belts into place Abby calls out from under her blanket, "I wish we had an RV. Then I could just get into bed."
"That's true," I agree with her as Mike and I giggle a little behind our hands.
"We'd just have to get the crib in the RV for Maya. Is there two beds in the RV Mom? Because we need two beds and Maya's crib. Then we could sleep in the RV, but there's no TV in the RV." Mike tells here there are TV's in some RV's. Which to Abby is just about as amazing as how they got the caramilk in the caramilk bar.
So if you're keeping track at home my Princess loving little girl is now also enthralled with the Toyota Camry and, I assume, various other Toyota products, Monster Trucks (Gravedigger is her favourite) and RV's.
Great job on your pumpkin. Wow, the Dora pumpkin is something else! Who would think to use a salad bowl for hair?!?!?! That is taking it to the next level! (A level that I will sadly never reach).
Last night my boyfriend and I made the cream of cauliflower and cheddar soup that you posted awhile back -- it was delicious! Thanks for the recipe!
wow, those were some serious pumpkins! they are a far cry from my carved smiles with a tooth or two (depending on whether or not i accidentally carve them out!)...
maya with dora...priceless!
What lovely girls you have!
I have a friend who rents an RV when her parents come to visit. They leave it parked in the driveway and use it as a guest cottage. Just a thought . . .
Maya and Dora are so adorable! Hopefully she'll last until Halloween.
Wow - some serious pumpkin skills in your parts!
I'm thinking Abby may just want to think of opening her very own vehicle franchise. That way she can support mom and dad when she becomes rich. And also me since I thought of the idea :)
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