Saturday, November 17, 2007

the trucks, they were monsters

Tonight Mike, Abby, Papa and Nikki had tickets to check out Monster Jam. Abby has been waiting, not so patiently, for weeks to see her favourite monster truck, "the black and green wrecking machine......... GraveDigger". Please imagine my voice was all loud and echo-y when I said that last part.

I'm not sure why she likes Monster Trucks, but she does. She will happily sit with Mike and watch all the dirt slinging action when it's on TV (which seems like everyday). So when I heard Monster Jam was coming I quickly got them some tickets. That would be them, as in, not me. Oh no, I stayed home and watched Catch and Release. Which was good, but probably just because I think Timothy Olyphant is hawt. But back to my point, which was Abby sure is crazy about them trucks. Fear not though, gentle reader, she's still Abby.

2007-11-17 006

She may be at a Monster Truck Show, but damn it that doesn't mean you have to leave your good pearls at home.


Anonymous said...

Love Abby! She's definitely my kind of girl!

L Sass said...

That Abby! She has such broad interests. It's adorable.

Shan said...

Suze - I have a funny feeling she is.

Sass - She really does. I'm not quite sure where she gets that from, but I love it.