Sunday, February 17, 2008

letting go... a little bit

I fully admit I have a tendency to baby Maya. When I sit down and actually think about it I'm surprised at how my Mothering between the two girls is so vastly different. I didn't set out to be this way, but your newborn baby turning blue and then spending three weeks in NICU with nobody being able to tell you what the problem was will change a girl. She is two now and I've been struggling with letting her grow up. So two nights ago we stopped the bottle at bedtime. Two days ago she gave up her daytime sucky. I decided to do it this weekend since it's a long one and if she was going to be up screaming all night it was nice to know I didn't have to getup for work in the morning.

I was prepared for the screaming. For a lot of screaming. She's a vocal little girl. Especially when she isn't getting her own way. Surprisingly there was been very little complaining. The first night I put her to bed after about 15 minutes I heard her saying, "Hey! Where did bubbie go?" As if it had just occurred to her that she'd missed out on it. She repeated the question for a few more minutes and that was the last we heard about it and she slept right through till morning. Now tonight there was some screaming, but it was a completely unrelated matter. Maya's a hair twister. She likes to twirl her finger around in her hair. On a fairly regular basis she gets it tangled to the point she can't get it back out and the tip of her finger is turning red. At which point she usually starts shrieking "STUCK! STUCK!" Tonight was just random screaming so we ignored it for a minute assuming she was finally really ticked off about the whole bottle thing. Yep, parents of the year material right here folks. In actuality, her finger was stuck. She had it caught in there pretty good tonight. I was fairly certain we were going to have to cut her finger out. Again. Luck was on my side tonight and I managed to work it free really quickly.

So she's doing awesome with the bottle and sucky embargo. She's still pestering for a real bed. That's the big one. The one I'm really dragging my feet on. A friend has offered us a free bed and it would be silly to say no. Bypassing the toddler bed is like jumping right into the deep end. For me, anyway. A nice little toddler bed would have been a good transition. For me. Seriously, why is this going so fast? Doesn't seem all that long ago she was a tiny five pound bundle, wires poking out from everywhere in her little plastic isolette. That was just yesterday wasn't it?


roxie said...

Good for you. The timing is evidently perfect. May all your letting go progress so smoothly.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Aw. Maybe you can use the bubbie to comfort you? I think I'd need it ;)

Kellan said...

It is so hard to let go, but I'm so glad to hear that she is doing so well - she sounds like a very secure, big girl - you've done a great job! Take care - Kellan

Shan said...

Roxie - I'm hoping it does. It's tough though, she still seems like such a baby. Only in my own head of course.

BE- That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that:)

Kellan - Thanks, that's sweet. She really is a big girl. More than I am probably willing to give her credit for.