night on the town
Today I did nothing and for a very brief moment I felt guilty about that. The truth of the matter is it had been a long week at work and I felt run down. The constant snow is beginning to get to me. So I decided to cut myself some slack. The house was clean and clean for me is; it doesn't look like we keep goats in here. Yeah the dishwasher could have been unloaded and the dirty dishes in the sink could have been washed. I could have started on the laundry, but there will be time for all of that tomorrow. This afternoon found Maya down for a nap, Mike off scouring the web for diecast replicas of old tractors, Abby was watching Cinderella 2 for the 762nd time in the toy room so I popped a documentary into the dvd player and finished up the scarf I was working on. The documentary, because I know you're interested, was Who Killed the Electric Car? Really fascinating, I mean I wasn't aware that GM had an electric car on the market in the last decade. I'm sure most of you didn't as well. It's unfortunate it was such a short lived experiment. Actually it's more than unfortunate, GM basically killed it for the all mighty dollar. That's a very generalized summation, there are many layers and many other hands in there that need to be slapped. I highly recommend it, if you have the chance to see it.
Really, though, I needed to save up my energy for our big night on the town tonight. A night that's been five months in the making. Way back in September Abby had cleaned up at the Fair with the vegetables she had grown with Papa's help. When she got her $41 in prize money she asked if she could take Papa out for a "burger and beers" to say thank you. We did attempt this night a couple of months ago. At that point we were just figuring out that Maya gets car sick 20 minutes into a car ride which brought us to the restaurant's parking lot. Mike and I took Maya home praying she wouldn't be sick again while Abby stayed with Papa and Grandma Linda. Papa had to pay for his own burger that night. Tonight we decided to give it another go, this time insuring success by dosing Maya up with Gravol before the drive. This was a big night for Abby too. Actually it was a self proclaimed fancy dress night. Mike was against the tiara, but I pointed out that she'd only be able to get away with this at five. It's cute at five, a little creepy at thirty-five.
I love the tiara days. Emily seems to be done with that stage of her life, which makes me very very sad... But one of her little friends from ballet showed up with a hot pink tiara on her head for dance last week. It was great! LOL
Every gal needs a tiara when taking grandpa out for burgers and beer. It's in the manual.
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