Monday, October 20, 2008


As luck would have it this weekend, Shaun of the Dead was on the Scream channel. One of my favourite movies. I'm not quite sure why I don't have it on dvd, but I don't. Coincidentally, on the other side of the world, my brother is preparing for a potential zombie uprising. Yes, these are the kinds of things he thinks about.

I am still crushing on skype, hardcore. Tonight Abby and I talked to Auntie Yoli for half an hour. As a bonus I also got to surf the internet while doing it. Something I never get to do with the dial up internet we have to deal with out here.

Tonight's conversation was cut short by the need for me to help Abby with her first school project. She's writing her life story and it needs to be handed in on Wednesday. She will then have to present it to the class. And this will count for 50% of her social studies grade on the first term report card. Welcome to first grade!

Would you believe that I bought Halloween lights for the front porch? And I was actually pretty excited about them? Me, the Halloween hater!! I know, weird huh? Oh and I'm going out to buy more. We bought one strand of purple lights. Mike thinks we should get a strand of orange as well and mix and match.

This weekend Abby signed up for her own email account, with my help. She took most of the afternoon to email Uncle Dave & Aunt Mel in Holland using the hunt and peck method of typing. I think it's going to be a great little modern day pen pal project that will only help her writing skills.

And with that my headache and I are going to bed!


Julie said...

Love Shawn of the Dead. Best part is when the Queen song comes on "Don't Stop me Now" and they are beating their way out of the pump with the arm of a zombie. Makes me laugh out loud every time!

Mommy Project said...

There is too much homework! Between Jamie's jolly-sounds assignments, Maddie's reading assignments ( night), and now this. My GAWD! It is Junior Kindergarten and 1st GRADE! And...who does the homework, really?? I am behind on my OWN homework. After a full day of class I think they should be allowed to come home, unwind, and veg a little! But, hey, that's jmo.

So I guess I, err, I mean Maddie has a lot of work to do tonight!! :-0

I'm shocked you don't like Halloween. I figured that would be right up your alley.

Angela said...

purple lights are awesome

Shan said...

Julie - I love the part when they were trying to get to the pub and his buddy stops to take a phone call. Such a great movie.

Normie -It does seem like a lot doesn't it? The project was a bit of work, but she really did a good job on it and was so proud of her Life Story!

Yeah me and Halloween - not so much. I'm all over Christmas though!

Angela - thanks I think they're pretty great.