Saturday, November 08, 2008

giddy up

I have been trying to get this post started for a while now, but can't figure out how to make it not sound ridiculously sappy being as overwhelmed with pride as I am. Maybe if we ease into it....


Abby was more than excited to see that Pride, her regular horse for riding lessons, was feeling better and ready to get back in the ring. Also exciting, that Daddy took a turn leading her around this week.

This week they played follow the leader with each kid getting a turn to be in the lead. Mike led Abby through her turn as leader and when she headed to the end of the line her teacher asked Mike to take her lead line off, but to stay with her. So Abby rode the rest of the class on her own with Mike (and then I hopped for a turn) walking beside her.


It was more than a little impressive to see Abby in control of her horse. Mike said it was akin to seeing her driving a car as it was to see her be in charge of something so large. She was even able to trot on her own as well. To be honest the first time was a little better than the second. She'd didn't seem to have the strength she needed to get Pride moving a little bit quicker. I don't think he was taking her leg squeezes as seriously as he should have been. The picture above is from when she had just finished her first trot up the arena. She's asking me if I'm sure I'd seen her. I guess she wasn't sure if I had noticed while I was jogging along side of her.

Like most little girls Abby has had a major love affair going on with horses since she was just a wee one. Unlike most girls she's had access to horses for most of her life. I'm not sure if that's what has fueled her interest in riding or if she was just wired that way from birth. And cue the sappy part...... It's just such a treat to be able to watch her develop and recognize her talents. I have always known that she's enjoyed her riding lessons and going into this it was the only issue I was concerned with. That she have fun. This weekend was the first time I realized she's good at it.** And cue Mommy's heart bursting with pride.

**Of course Mike is now concerned that I'll have her dropping out of school and training 8 hours day all in an effort to take Ian Millars spot on the Canadian Equestrian Team. But really, I think we can wait until she's 8 to do that.


Kristina said...

How cool. I think it's neat that Abby likes horses and she has the chance to have riding lessons. She's a lucky little girl. What I think is even cooler than the riding lessons is the fact that you and Mike both go with her. How many little ones' parents just drop them off at activities and come back later? That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but it's important for kids to see their parents supporting them. You are awesome.

Shan said...

Aww thanks Kristina. That's sweet of you to say. This particular class requires parental participation. Or Grandparent. Mike's parents actually take turns coming to lead her horse every other week. We are big believers in the "it takes a village" method of child rearing.