Thursday, December 25, 2008

the big day

We are slowly working our way through the Christmas festivities. And Michael is slowly working his way through a nasty cold. And the girls are slowly working their way through a three day sugar bender.

Dave and Mel are safely home in Canada and are suffering from some jet lag. That means much earlier bed times then what they usually have when they're here. Luckily we had a pretty quiet day to just hang out together.

I have lots of pictures to share with you (that came from my new camera), but flickr is being a bear about uploading for some reason tonight.

The Wii was a huge hit. It didn't get a real warm reception this morning. Mostly because Abby didn't have a clue what a Wii even was. But by this afternoon she was bowling strikes. We all had a lot of fun with it this afternoon.

So much more to tell you, but I've got house guests and another dinner to host tomorrow night. My bed is calling me.


Betsy Hart said...

YAY! The Wii is so much fun! :D

Mommy Project said...

Merry Christmas, Shan.

Merry said...

Merry Christmas, Shan! We've been playing the Wii non-stop the last few days b/c it's too cold to go outside. We got Wii Music for the occasion & it's really cool!

Julie said...

Meerry Boxing Day! Glad to hear the Wii was a hit (once they realised what it was!) and that your bother is home safe. Have a wonderful holiday.

Shan said...

Betsy - Oh it is. I had no idea!!

Normie - same to you my friend.

Merry - I think Abby would really like the Wii Music.

Julie - Thanks! You too.