Thursday, December 04, 2008

still thankful

Well our Thankful Thursday hostess appears to be missing in action. I would say she hasn't been heard from since last Thursday, but I did end up at her place watching the Food Network last Friday. Oh and we hung together Saturday morning at riding lessons. So she's around. Just busy with homework and kids and preparing for her new little girl. So I'm willing to cut her some slack. I am still to play, so without further ado......

My List

1. Abby's teacher. I was nervous for grade one because her kindergarten teacher had set the bar very high. I love Abby's old teacher. She was really very special. I even asked her if she would go to grade one with Abby. She turned me down flat. Tonight was parent teacher interviews and my first real opportunity to speak with Abby's teacher. And she's really great. She had lots of really nice things to say about Abby and lots of helpful suggestions for her trouble areas. I can tell she's a dedicated teacher who really loves what she does.

2. Hot Apple Cider. Mike picked up a jug on a whim and I had it gone in record time. A minute in the microwave and it is heaven.

3. My cell phone. True, I don't talk on it much, but I text like crazy. Love texting. Especially Michael. I can continue to irritate him even when we're apart. I also like to send little middle of the day I love yous to my Mom.

4. My pillows, it's taken me years, but I finally have them broken in.

5. Papa! As you may recall Abby and I were both pretty sick earlier this week. My stomach is far from back to normal, but I'm getting there. Abby has bounced back a mite quicker. When Papa heard we were sick the first thing he asked was.... "What can we do?" I told him nothing, but really he could have cleaned my house and let me sleep. Since he was here just before the house was declared a national disaster I'm sure he's glad I didn't ask him.

What are you thankful for?


Betsy Hart said...

I posted fun pictures this week of what I am thankful for. :) Good thing to look at weekly. Thanks.

Leah said...

I love your sense of humor. "irritate him even when we're apart" LOL!! I tried texting Dan at work a few times, but he told me he gets too many work-related phone calls and texts and my random stuff slows him down too much.

I was also super worried about what Em's first grade teacher would be like. Her kinder teacher was beyond awesome (and then some), as was her preschool teacher the two previous years, and I thought for sure we couldn't possibly score a fantastic teacher for the fourth year in a row. Except, we did. Her first grade teacher rocks in a big way. Glad you've found yourself lucky in that department as well!

Shan said...

Betsy - yes it is. I enjoyed reading your list as well.

Leah - thanks! There's a lot of funny in our relationship. You hear so much bad about teachers and public schools in general it's always a treat when you have a really great one.