Thursday, January 15, 2009

thankful thursday

As you know The Mommy Project told me that listing the things I am thankful for will increase my happiness by 25%. And I'm all in for anything like that. so without further ado, my list...

I am thankful for....

1) Showers. For the past 6 months I have been trying to get Abby to have a shower. Even though she showered when she was at the cottage with my Mom she was not going to repeat the performance here. The thing is Abby and Maya have vastly different bathing requirements. Maya has dry sensitive skin and Abby needs products that are harsher than Maya's skin can tolerate. It was a bit of a juggling act to get them both clean while not turning Maya into a baby crocodile. A few nights ago I bribed Abby with the promise of a shopping trip to the book store for new fairy books if she would only try it. She tried it. She loved it. No more baths for her. And bath night just got a whole lot easier for me.

2. Friends and family who will help us celebrate our Little My Pie turning three this weekend. I am really looking forward to spending time with everyone. And I think Maya might actually enjoy her birthday this year. She finally seems to be more comfortable in larger groups. I think this may be the year she isn't glued to some part of me for the whole night.

3. Heather, who I just met this past year. And what a year it's been! I thought it was pretty great of her to loan me her Twilight series, but then she offered to loan me extra Wii controllers and fun games for Maya's party. Best of all... she's going to let me try out her Wii Fit! Yep triple love that Heazer.

4. Girl Friends. I got an email from my Aunt the other day, in it she mentioned how great girlfriends are and it got me to thinking about my own girlfriends. I have more girl friends now than I have had at any other point in my life. As I have mentioned a time or three million before I am a very shy person, but in the past year I've really been putting myself out there and the rewards have been amazing.

5. The cake decorating tools I inherited from my Mom. Lets me create my kids birthday cakes myself and builds memories for them like my Mom did for me.


Julie said...

I keep meaning to part take in this, but then realise that it's Friday morning and I am ready your post. One week I will finally get my act together. I think we need two computers in our house! Cant; wait to see the pics from Maya's bday party. Have a great time!

Betsy Hart said...

YAY! So much to be thankful for!