Sunday, January 18, 2009

birthday girl

Well Little My Pie is three. Or she will be officially on Monday. We had her party tonight at our church hall with our family and friends. It was a fairly simple family dinner type affair. Albeit on a larger scale then most maybe. What can I say we have a big family. Surprisingly the evening had a definite theme to it (Little Einsteins) starting with the cake.


This is my second attempt. For now let's just leave it at that. The whole first attempt debacle needs a post of it's own. Those of you who have in fact already seen attempt number one I appreciate you saying that it looked just fine. Trust me, it did not.


As usual we had way too much food. Thanks to Granny, who contributed more than her fair share and we more that appreciate every little bit of it. And Grandma Linda and Papa, who definitely went above and beyond as well. Thanks seems like a small word sometimes, don't you think. We were a few invitees short this year, so I have a huge pile of leftovers here. And this year we got to share the fun with The Mommy Project's family. We were so happy they were able to join us for dinner as well.

Apparently word got out about Maya's devotion to the Little Einsteins. Most of her gifts ran along that theme. Which thrilled her to no end. Robin found a Rocket suitcase, which is the cutest thing ever. And Maya got her very own pencil crayons (thanks Mommy Project) that she was happily scribbling with this morning. Abby got a set from Grandma Linda and Papa, but she decided she needed them at school and ever since Maya has been missing the pencil crayons. There was also a gigantic Barbie Diamond Castle horse and carriage that Maya herself almost fits into.

Maya did great with the crowd. She only needed to cling to me at the very beginning. Thankfully Grandma Linda distracted her with some toys. The rest of the night she spent being passed back and forth between Robin's big girls. When she wasn't running aimless laps around the tables. Or playing an endless game of hide and seek where she found an awesome hiding spot.


That she was nice enough to share with Jamie.


So really it was as close to perfect as it could get.


Betsy Hart said...

YAY! I am glad she had a good one. I usually do the 'family' at the church as well. And my family is usually quite large as well. :)

Merry said...

Happy Birthday Maya! She is such a big girl now! I can't believe how much she has grown up lately.

Merry said...

Forgot to say that the cake looks AWESOME!


You made that cake yourself?? Great job on the rocket!!!!!!! You rock(et).

Shan said...

Betsy - thanks we all had a lot of fun.

Merry - I know it's crazy. And thanks. I was very happy with it.

Widney - I sure did! Thanks, watch for a tutorial of sorts on WCW.