Saturday, February 07, 2009

thankful thursday - the late edition

Is it too late for thankful thursday? I think not and it's my world, so my rules! I don't want to miss out on the chance to make my life 25% happier just because I collapsed from exhaustion... more on that later, for now, onto the list......

I am thankful for......

1) Grandma Linda and Papa, who graciously offered to take Abby and Maya overnight. I don't usually look forward to the kids being gone, but this time I did. Oh the Mommy guilt, it is killing me. To be fair it's been a long uphill climb around here going all the way back to the fall when Mike had his surgery. Then there was the stint on nights and the holidays and then Mike's hours being cut and then we all got sick. At some point Maya turned into a spider monkey who hangs on me constantly. So a break was definitely necessary.

2) The bulkbarn where I stocked up last night on some crafty baking stuff for some ideas I have floating around in this head of mine. Although I couldn't seem to find the gel food colouring I like to use. They do have a great cake decorating section that I don't often get a chance to drool over. Oh and they had toxic waste candies that Mike noticed and pointed out to me.

3) Uncle G-Mac, great Uncle to the girls and the gift giver of a most appreciated East Side Marios gift card that Mike and I used to treat ourselves last night.

4) My Darlene, for the "you're not a bad Mommy for wanting a night off from the kids" pep talk. Love you for it.

5) And my Michael, who when I did give in to the exhaustion, cleaned the whole house, made the kids lunches and put out the garbage. Okay so here's the story, after getting only a couple hours of sleep Wednesday night I was planning on going to bed early Thursday night. We put the kids to bed and I was going to watch The Office and set the recorder to record Grey's and Private Practice. Only I had no blank dvds, it takes about 2 minutes to erase a dvd. So I hit erase and laid down on the bed to wait for it to finish. I think I saw the "7% erased" mark and was out like a light.


Betsy Hart said...

Happy Late THankful Thursday!


Grandparents who take the kids overnight are wonderful!!!!!

Shan said...

Betsy - thanks!

Widney Woman - oh yes they are!!