Sunday, April 26, 2009

sweetest kid evah

Saturday night I was feeling less than stellar. Mike had given the girls a bath while I lay prone on the couch. Feeling I should at least do something, especially since Mike had worked (playing farmer) that morning I managed to drag myself upstairs to put Maya to bed. I ran into Abby on the way out of Maya's room and she stopped me --

Mom, I know you're not feeling well so I'm going to tuck you in like you tuck me in. I really hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

And she led me down the hall to our bedroom. I climbed between the sheets and she pulled them up to my chin. She came around to Mike's side to make sure the comforter was high enough on that side and then she said --

I'm going to tuck myself in now.

And off she went to her own room. It was only a minute before I heard the door to her room open again and she was back --

I forgot to kiss you like you kiss me.

And she kissed my forehead and then leaned across me for a quick hug.

Seriously -- sweetest kid evah!


Karen at Virtually There said...

She's so sweet. I had a moment like that last night too. Emily found out that no one had given me any easter chocolate. She quietly went downstairs and pulled out her Smarties and came to give some to me. So sweet.

Leah said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Good job taking care of mommy Abby! I'll bet she feels much better just knowing she has you around to help take care of her...

Betsy Hart said...

That is so sweet!!!