Thursday, April 23, 2009

thankful thursday - the birthday edition

This was supposed to post last night, but for some unknown reason it didn't. So you're getting it today instead.

Time for Thankful Thursday. It's been said you can increase your happiness by 25% just by listing the things you are thankful for. And I am all in for that.

I realize it was a somewhat melancholy birthday for me, but there was still much to be thankful for....

I am thankful for --

1) My brother's phone call. Dave and I rarely talk on the phone unless it's to finalize plans for something. And yes, he did call because it was my birthday, but we stayed on the phone chatting about tv shows and movies and just stuff for a while. It was a nice birthday treat. Oh and the highlight of the call -- for me-- was when he admitted to voluntarily watching the Sex and the City movie. Twice! He also seemed very pumped about the sequel.

2) All of my friends at work (and Dave) who made me promise not to waste my birthday dinner by having salad.

3) My Mom for bringing me Cinnabons. Oh my gosh they are uber delicious.

4) Papa and Grandma Linda for being so understanding about the change of plans.

5) And my Michael for being the best husband!

What are you thankful for?


Ciel said...

SATC Bloopers, for those who missed it!

Merry said...

I definitely think that they put crack in Cinnabons. They are sooooo good. I made the mistake of giving Evan one at the mall so now every time we get near the store he starts saying "mmmmm....mmmmmm.....mmmmm" really loudly!

Betsy Hart said...

I want some cinnibons! YUM!!