Friday, May 29, 2009

friday high five - maya says

Angela's Adventures

Maya was late to talk, but believe me she is making up for it now. So I thought for this week's Friday High Five (hosted by Angela's Adventures and Minor Mishaps) I'd list the five things we hear come out of her the most often.

1. Abs -- which actually comes out more like Abth. Maya would love nothing more than to have Abby's 100% attention 100% of the time.

2. Can I have a freezer? A purple one. A purple freezer -- freezer aka freezie and she wants them all the time.

3. I'm being mad about you. -- When she doesn't get her own way, which is 85% of the time.

4. Daddy (and less often Mommy) yelled at me for no reason. -- Goes hand in hand with number three.

5. I just want to cry for a little second. -- This is a new one she started using when she's upset and crying about something and Mike or I are trying to console her.


Betsy Hart said...

How funny! I need to sit and think about the things that often come out of my daughter's mouth.

Angela said...

Oh number 3 and 4 have Isaiah written all over them!! Too cute! Isaiah was a late talker too but they definitely make up for it now!!!

Leah said...

LOL I love the preschool talk. Connor has some goofy way of saying "without" but I can't quite think of exactly how it goes now. But the "I'm being mad about you" of Maya's is quite similar (using WAY more words than needed!). We also see "city of the bus" (city bus) around town a lot. And "ephelents" are a well-discussed animal lately. My FAVORITE, though, is how he RARELY ever says the "s" sound at the beginnings of words. And it never fails to make me smile and/or flat-out laugh, when he's wandering through the house talking about needing a "poon" a "willy big poon" (really big spoon) for his yogurt/jell-o/oatmeal/etc.

Shan said...

Betsy - It's a good idea. It those little things you'll want to remember.

Angela - I know mine sure does :)

Leah - It's adorable isn't it? Very cute!