Thursday, July 02, 2009

you capture - photog's choice


This week the you capture assignment was entirely my choice. So I picked what I like to photograph the most -- my kids.

These I took while the kids were waiting -- not so patiently -- for the water truck to come and fill the pool.




This one I took while we were at Mike's cousin's place for dinner. I'm thinking about entering it in the blurred photo category at the fair, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?


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Jen said...

I really like the one of the kids standing in the empty pool. It's not a shot you get to take often! I hope the water truck didn't take too long!

The bubble shot is great ... love the smudge that is a bunch of bubbles. Not sure what the parameters of entry are, but go for it!

Prairie Lady said...

That is so funny with them in an empty pool. Fun bubble shots.

Jen said...

I loved the empty pool shot - it was there on your "patience" caption, too, wasn't it? The perspective is great.

I would definitely enter the bubble shot - it's a great slice of childhood.

Shelly said...

Love them all, and you really should enter the photograph! It really captures the essence of children and summer, too!

Anonymous said...

Um, explain to have a truck that brings you water?

Julie said...

Love the bubble shot with Maya. You should totally enter it into the Fair.

Betsy Hart said...

I'm curious about the water truck too. Don't you just fill it with your hose?

LOVE the shots!!


My favorite is the pool shot. I love that Maya is wearing her pullups 'in the pool'.

Go for it with the photo at the fair. You will never regret entering. You very well might NOT entering.

Shan said...

Jen - I took those pretty early in the morning and the truck didn't come until 4:30. A long day for the girls. Thanks for stopping by.

Prairie Lady - Technically it wasn't empty. It had about an inch of so of water in the bottom so we could smooth the wrinkles out. They played in that little bit of water all day. Thanks for visiting.

Jen of - Yep I shot a bunch of them in the pool just waiting. I think I'm going to -- nothing ventured, right?

Shelly - thanks I think I will. I really do like it. We'll see how it fairs.

Julie L-B - yep we do. Regularly. Read all about in my FHF post.

Julie - thanks I'm going to.

Betsy - Nope we can't fill it from the hose.

WW - I guess I should clarify. She's not back in pull ups, but she does still wear them at night. That morning she was out of bed and they were outside in the pool first thing.