Monday, August 10, 2009

ummm, what was that

*warning* be prepared for some inappropriate language *warning*

I'm in the office, trying to get another page of data entered into my prize tabulation spreadsheets. The girls are waiting out the rain and watching a movie on TV. I'm not aware, but the movie they are watching ends and the next one comes on. Not long after Abby is beside my desk.....

Umm Mom, you're going to want to come and change the channel because that guy just said he was fucking sorry. And that doesn't count because I was just repeating what he said.

Yep, she said it and I literally fell out of my chair.


Julie said...

LOL! but she's right, that didn't count. LOL!

Mommy Project said...

Well, at least they learned about the importance of being really, truly, genuinely, F'in - sorry - and saying so.

Kristina said...

Yikes!! Funny, but yikes!

Lady said...

HAHAHAHA. Ohhh man.

septembermom said...

Oh no! I would've fallen over too:)

Jen said...

Way too funny - she was trying to be good. ;-)

Shan said...

Julie - I told her maybe not technically, but she still shouldn't have repeated it.

MP - That's true I hadn't thought of that angle.

Kristina - that was my reaction too.

Lady - you said it.

Septembermom - how could you not?

Jen - yes she was.

Goofball said...

so cute, so honest, so funny

it really didn't count! ;)