Wednesday, March 24, 2010

disney on ice

As in previous years Grandma Linda got us tickets to see Disney on Ice. This year she got one extra ticket, for MyPie. Disney on Ice has become somewhat of a tradition. A girl's day where we take in the show and then lunch or dinner depending on which show we see. This year we caught the 11am show on Saturday. Again we kept it a secret from the kids. Grandma Linda and I wondered how long it would take Abby to put the pieces together. This was her third trip to Disney on Ice, so you'd think she'd be a seasoned veteran.


So Grandma Linda suggested to Abby that perhaps we should have a girls day since we hadn't had one in quite some time. Abby thought it was a fabulous idea and asked if we could go to Swiss Chalet and to a movie. Maya was super excited about her first girls day invitation. When I was showering that morning she stuck her head in the bathroom to yell -- Mom! You're late for girls day.


So we head off to the show. Abby becomes concerned when Grandma missed the cut off for the movie theater, but we told her that perhaps we could find a theater downtown. Getting off the exit into the city was a huge Disney on Ice - Princess Classics billboard, which Abby took notice of, but it didn't register with her that we were going to see it. We parked the car in Grandma Linda's work lot, the same place Abby and Mike had parked when they caught the hockey game the week before. Something else Abby noticed, but didn't draw a connection from. Also Grandma Linda works with folks with special needs. The parking lot was apparently the meeting point for some clients that were taking in the show as well. They assumed Grandma Linda was there to escort them to the show and approached the car chattering about Disney on Ice. The conversation went right over Abby's head.


As we got closer to the arena, the crowds got larger and there were lots of little girls in princess dresses talking about Disney on Ice, Abby took no notice. I asked if she'd like to go into the arena and see what was going on, she said no, she just wanted to go to the movies. We convinced her we should check it out and when I pulled the tickets out of my purse she asked what they were for and I told her I didn't know. Finally inside Grandma Linda led both girls over to the lady selling programs and asked Abby if she knew why were there and just like last year she had no idea. Oh I laughed until my eyes watered. How does she not know every time?


I said to Mike just the other day that Maya is still one big question mark to me. I never know how she's going to react in any given situation. I thought she would enjoy the show, but that MyPie she likes to throw some curve balls just to keep you on your toes. Luckily she loved the show. Many times I looked over to see her in open mouthed amazement. We had great floor seats again this year. And it was super cute to see Maya waving so enthusiastically to the real life Tinkerbell and Ariel. She didn't like when the arena went black, but thank goodness for Grandmas and their willingness to buy those twirly light up things.


You know I think it's safe to say I enjoy Disney on Ice as much, if not more than the kids. I get excited because they are so excited about it. Also I think it goes back to my childhood and the trips to see the Ice Capades. Back when we were still a happy (in relative terms) family of four. Back before it all went pear shaped.


I am thrilled to have the opportunity to build the same kinds of memories with my kids. I know years from now we'll still be laughing about how Abby never had a clue were we going to see Disney on Ice, not even with the evidence right in front of her. Or how great Maya did on her very first girls day! A million thanks to Grandma Linda for so much more than just the tickets and a few souvenirs.


Julie said...

i love the picture of maya in the dark with her twirly thingy. it's beautiful.

glad to hear it went off without a hitch. i wonder if next year abby will just play along with the rouse to keep the surprise for maya...

Karen said...

I know, I loved it as much or maybe more than the girls and it was also because I loved watching them love it. We'll definitely be going next time too and I think I'll make it a surprise like you do.

Goofball said...

it sounds like a fabulous outing. Too cute that it remained a surprise until the very last moment. The pictures look fantastic

Bibliomama said...

I love that she still didn't figure it out. It's great when they're still innocent enough to fall for stuff.

Shan said...

Julie - Yeah I really like that one too. I think Abby would play along to keep the surprise for Maya. She's that kind of a big sister, plus it makes her feel like a grown up.

Karen - The surprise angle is really great. I do that with a lot of things. Like I almost never tell them when Dave & Mel are coming to visit. Makes every visit seem like a big deal, which of course it is:)

Goofball - Thanks, it was a great day all around.

Bibliomama - yeah it's the best.