Tuesday, March 30, 2010

what's cooking wednesday

Happy What's cooking Wednesday all. Maya decided to have a repeat of this past weekend's up chuckage when we got home from work. So I've either been knee deep in laundry or glued to a sick baby girl, who really really really really needs to cuddle or the entire world will implode. For reals. I admit I was stressing about all that was not getting done around the house and then I leaned back on the couch with Maya cradled in my arms and thought -- eff it. It won't be too long before she doesn't "need" me to do this. So I decided to take advantage of it while I could.

So there's been no time cooking and photographing fun new recipes. Although I am in need of a fancy low points weight watcher dessert to take to Grandma Linda's for Easter dinner. Any WW folk out there got a good one?

Enjoy What's Cooking Wednesday!


MrsJenB said...

I don't know how fancy this is, buuuut...a couple of years back, I made an angel food bundt cake using angel food mix and a can of diet cream soda. That was it. Then I made a pink glaze to go over top with confectioners sugar and skim milk plus some red coloring, and in the middle I piled grass from an Easter basket and some wrapped chocolate eggs, and lined the outside with jelly beans. The cake got rave reviews, and was more popular than the brownies someone else made!

Patty said...

Aw so sorry to hear that she's sick! Thanks for all the links, the recipes sound great!

Bibliomama said...

Good lord, the opportunity to cuddle your sick daughter has an expiration date - cooking and housework are for-freakin'-ever! You made the right choice