Friday, April 23, 2010

food revolution friday #4

This week's post is all about the 80/20 ratio. I can't remember where I read this, but it was on someone's blog as I blog hopped around one night. The notion that while this family tried to eat as healthy and as free of processed foods as possible they still did order in pizza or head out to the golden arches and the question was.... is that okay or is there no room in a healthy life style for such things? Someone left a comment saying as long as you followed the 80/20 rule it was all good, in their opinion anyway... and please remember I'm paraphrasing here. So the idea is you eat healthy, fresh foods 80% of the time, the other 20% is for the not so healthy choices.

I like that idea! I like it a lot. I have often remarked that I love weight watchers because I'm still allowed to eat bacon and I don't want to live in a world where I can't have bacon. That being said, I've had bacon twice in four months. I mean sure I could eat it, but the points I'd have to spend on it make it pretty cost prohibitive, in my miserly opinion anyway. Here's the thing with weight watchers, you become very stingy with your points very quickly. Mike and I have both been known to look something up in the book and be all... p'shaw, 5 points for a serving of that!! No way, I'll pass thanks and eat a kagillion carrots sticks for zero points instead. See how that works?

I think we do better than 80/20 around here, maybe we're closer to 90/10. I think we've ordered in pizza once in four months. I've had red meat twice in the same time period. We rarely buy junk food. I mean it works it's way into the buggy every now and then. This weekend is jammie movie night, so I picked up some sun chips, whole grain crackers and some roasted red pepper hummus. Previously it would have been doritos, ruffles and some delicious full fat chip dip.

It was also my birthday this past week and I celebrated with dinner out at my favourite restaurant, a gift from family. I ordered my favourite dish, enjoyed it immensely and felt zero guilt about it. On my birthday I cooked my very own birthday feast because there were a couple of specific things I wanted to have for dinner. So I cooked them and enjoyed them immensely and felt zero guilt about it. It helped that I did my official weigh in before the birthday feast and lost 2.3 pounds (15.6 lost total).

I used to watch Sandi Richard's show Fixing Dinner all the time and I always loved her closing remarks.... "fixing dinner isn't just about food, it's about family". Sometimes food is more than just fuel for the body. Sometimes it's the experience. Like a birthday feast or an impromptu lunch out with a friend. And I've found in the past four months if you do your best to eat well most of the time it makes those special occasions that much more delicious.

Thanks as always to the lovely Scattered Mom for hosting Food Revolution Fridays. Did you know she was interviewed this past week for an article that appeared in the Globe and Mail? Go take a read it's a great article and not just because she mentions me and the Abster in it. We're the Mom who wants to loose weight the the daughter who I switched to yogurt.


Angie said...

I like your rule. We are the same here kind of. We eat healthy, and I only buy healthy foods...I make my own cookies and sweets with modified recipes. We rarely eat out, 2-3 times a year. But if we go to a party or someones house for a meal we indulge in what ever they are serving. And that is ok! It is a treat for my kids.
When they go to grandma's she gives them junk...I actually send fruit and veggies with my kids so they get some good stuff too. I feel that is ok, to have a little bit of junk. But on Jamie Oliver's show I totally agreed with Jamie Oliver against the Friday lunches they wanted to do!! The kids can get treats at home but during there school day they need brain food! Not Junk Food!

Scatteredmom said...

I firmly believe in moderation. I mean seriously, just look at my blog. Brownies for the header?!

There is room for treats and snacks, and I am totally okay with my kid having a home made cookie in his lunch. I know what went into that cookie. It's not processed. And I'm absolutely okay with the occasional indulgence. But I agree with Angie, schools should NOT be serving processed junk to kids. They really do need brain food.

Merry said...

I totally believe in the 80/20 rule for most things in life. It just means that we have to allow ourselves to not be "perfect" all the time.

I eat out way too much but I try to make healthy choices when I do go out as often as possible (but occasionally you HAVE to have fries!).

Goofball said...

wow you've really managed to make it a life style. Way to go!

Shan said...

Angie - My kids get more treats when they're with their grandparents too. I don't sweat it though. That's what grandparents are for.

Scattered Mom - Yeah I have no problem with my kids taking a cookie in their lunch as long as it's one of mine.

Merry - I really love your fry philosophy.

Goofball - we have. Thanks.