Thursday, December 23, 2010

it's almost here

Well we are in the home stretch now, aren't we? I wish I could tell you I'm 100% there, but I'm not quite.... I am thisclose though.

I've finished up work and am looking forward to just over a week of sleeping in, jammie days, watching movies with the kids and eating a ridiculous amount of delicious food.

But before I get there I must.....

Give the house the old once over.... and then some.

Get the toyroom guest suite ready for Uncle Dave... no Auntie Mel this year, she's in BC dealing with some family stuff... going to miss her like crazy. Maya was already picking out all the books Auntie Mel was going to read to her while she was here.

Fold eleventy billion loads of laundry.

Run the dishwasher... twice... at least.

Wrap a couple of present stragglers.

And my goal is to have it all done before Michael gets home from work Christmas eve.... and I should mention he's only working half a day.

Think I'll make it?

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

Sure you will. You are supermom!

My husband gets to do the opposite. Wrap while I am at work and finish up what we have left. =)