Thursday, December 02, 2010

she may be the sweetest kid ever

Mike's cellphone is somewhat of a dinosaur. It's a pretty basic LG flip model, while mine is a newer fancy LG with a slide out keyboard, so I was instantly frustrated when he asked me to text a friend using his phone the other night. He was driving, so wasn't able to do it himself. After a couple of minutes of pecking out the letters via the keypad......

Me: This is death.
Mike: What?! My phone is dead?
Me: No, texting like this. It's death. Seriously, when are you getting a new phone?
Mike: Oh I thought you were telling me my phone was dead.

And then from the seat behind me... my Abby.

Abby: You know, it would be nice if heaven had the technology. Then your Dad could text you. He could send you a message. That would be nice.

My word, where does she come up with this stuff?


Goofball said...

Maybe he has top notch sending technology in heaven.

it's on earth that we don't know how to receive their messages yet


Betsy Hart said...

What a sweet girl!

Desi said...

kids say the darndest things! so cute and sweet, sad and innocent all at once!