Saturday, April 16, 2011

one more thank you

Eventually life gets back to normal. The kids want to eat. There's laundry to do. The house to tidy. And Maya is so over all the loving and extra squeezes she's been getting, but please give me another minute. I can't even adequately describe to you what the past few days have been like, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The scene continues to play out on my mind each night after the house is quiet and I've crawled into bed. I'd love to just shut it off, but some things you just can't unsee or unknow, luckily time heals all wounds.

I realized I left a big part of the story out in my last post. I was a mess, no two ways about it, but Mike... he was just amazing. He was so together. He talked to the cops, checked on his Mom, and figured out what needed to be done with his stepdad. He took pictures with both our phones. He got the kids and I to my Uncles, just down the road and went back to deal with getting the jeep back to my Uncle's shop. He got his Mom and stepdad and the stuff from their jeep back home. He got us dinner because by that point it was almost 7pm.

He had his moment later, but when I needed him to be together, when we all needed him to be together.... he was. Times ten. My gosh I can't even tell you how thankful I am for that man. I couldn't have gotten through the day without him.


Mis(s)Mannered Mom said...

This post totally made me cry. I can't believe the photos of the accident-just terrifying and horrible! I'm so glad they were okay!

Betsy Hart said...

I am just so grateful that you all were okay. What a blessing.

Shan said...

MMMom - thank you, we were very very lucky.

Betsy - thanks my friend.