Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today Mike and I attended a funeral for a very dear family friend. Ward was a character in the truest sense of the word. Always quick with a joke and never without a smile or a twinkle in his eye. He was a man that loved many things, but nothing more than his family, his farm and his community.

Sitting in the service today listening to the stories about Ward, many of which I already knew, it struck me what an inspiration he is for how I want to live my life. How I never want my family to doubt that they are the very center of me. How I want to give without expectation, to be kind because it's right and repay because I can. How I always want to have joy and fun and laughter in my life. How I want to be present and embrace whatever life brings my way. I can only hope that I do it half as well as he did. The packed chapel and the incredibly long funeral procession today was a true testament to the good he did in his 90 years.

Rest in peace Ward. It was an absolute pleasure to have had the opportunity to know you. Thank you for the gifts you have given this family, it means more than I can say.


Pam said...

Sounds like a special person. I'm glad you had a chance to know him and reflect on his life and yours with warm memories.

Merry said...

One of the women who was a huge part of my childhood through church and family passed away two weeks ago so I totally know how you feel. It is so hard to lose someone.