Wednesday, August 17, 2011

15 years and counting

Fifteen years ago today I became Mrs. Michael. Best day ever. Except it was so stinkin' hot. Oh my gosh. So hot, that 15 years later we're still talking about how stinkin' hot it was.


Best decision I ever made.

Also..... wow did that decade and a half go fast!

Thank you Michael for not only making me a wife, but a mom and a daughter-in-law and a sister-in-law and an aunt and a cousin.

Thanks for.............

being the person that makes me laugh the hardest.

being the person that loves me more now than you did 15 years ago,

raising these beautiful girls with me.

rubbing my feet.

always unloading the dishwasher.

being my biggest cheerleader.

I am a lucky lucky lady! xo


Merry said...

Congrats you two! You seem like such a happy couple!

Betsy Hart said...

Happy Anniversary!! That is quite an amazing accomplishment in this day and age. =) I'm glad you found the peanut butter to your jelly :P

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Happy Anniversary!...though it's a bit late.

Goofball said...

congratulations with your anniversary

Shan said...

@Merry - Thanks. I could say the same to you :)

@Betsy - Me too! Also... he's my lobster!

@Marilyn & Goofball - Thanks!!