Wednesday, October 19, 2011

finding the good

I was feeling a little run down and overwhelmed  today, but sitting here I realized.....Abby is rocking the heck out French this year. She's had three tests so far, on the first she got two wrong and the other two were both perfect! She's loving the class. Loves her French teacher. I am beyond excited to have her so excited about school this year.

So all these hours I've spent putting together this fundraiser that will benefit her school. All the hours I'm going to spend on Saturday making sure it all goes off without a hitch.... all worth it! Every single minute of it because I know it's all going to support the incredibly great things that happen at our little school and our incredibly fantastic teachers. Yeah. So worth it!


Betsy Hart said...

I love that you are so involved in your children's school. Wonderful!

Bibliomama said...

I couldn't do what you are doing - good for you. But maybe take a break when it's done?

Merry said...

You are such a great mom! The school is so lucky to have such a committed volunteer. But you might want to take a week off before you start baking for the holidays. :)

Goofball said...
