Wednesday, October 05, 2011

knowing me, knowing you - october 2011

It's time once again for the monthly interview project... knowing me, knowing you....

1. Are you watching Revenge?

Oh I am! It's reminds me a bit of those great night time soaps like Dynasty, Dallas and Knots Landing, just darker. It's been my favourite new show so far! Related...... Madeline Stowe is one scary matriarch. I would not want to cross her.

2. Do you decorate for Halloween?

I've just started in the past couple of years. Every year I've been trying to add to the decor. This past weekend Abby hung up the spiders and the scarecrow outside. I've got gravestones for the yard. I've seen super cute wreathes on pinterest that I'm dying to make. Who would have ever thought I would start to love this holiday.

3. Do you have any crafty plans for Christmas presents?

Umm not as of yet. I guess I better get moving on that. It's coming faster than you think.

4.What's your dream vacation?

These days I am obsessed with the idea of a cottage vacation with a bunch of friends and all our kids. What? I blame Hollywood blockbusters like Grown Ups and Dan in Real Life.

5. Which of your relatives live closest to your house.

Papa and Grandma Linda. It's a little less than five minutes from our front door to theirs by car.


Victoria said...

Hidey-ho, blogger-neighbour, I'm back again! :-)

The Lung Family said...

thank you so much for hosting!!

Betsy Hart said...

I played! =) Love this time of month. =)


I missed September somehow. Also, I don't think you put September or October in your Knowing Me, Knowing You label. August is the last one I see in there. I'll be posting October momentarily.


October is up!