Sunday, October 30, 2011

sunday randoms

So if you're hanging with me on facebook or twitter then you already know The Abster won an ipod touch at school for raising the most money for the Halloween dance-a-thon. As you can imagine her feet have barely touched the ground since.

After getting her all charged up we put some music on it, but more importantly we downloaded Angry Birds. Michael is officially addicted and is planning on ditching his bberry for an iphone.

Go ahead and guess how many times I have said the following phrase this weekend..... that's it! You're all grounded from Angry Birds.

I will admit to a smallish addiction to Plants vs Zombies. Gosh it's fun.

Free apps rock, by the way.

I have met my goal of knitting twelve scarves to donate to a local agency. I'm now knitting up some cancer caps for the local children's hospital.

Looking forward to trick or treating with the kids tomorrow night.... I know, who am I turning into!?

I can't be the only one who's ears don't seem to be compatible with ear buds can I? Am I wearing them wrong? What the heck?

Our theme for this coming Christmas is less is more and it's the thought that counts. Mike and I were tossing around some ideas this afternoon. We're both pretty excited about it.


Betsy Hart said...

Woo hoo for free! Great job on the fundraising. =)

Julie said...

i have weird ears as well. i find if i wrap the cord around my ears and come in from the top, they seem to fit better. don't know why but it's the only way that they will stay in.

Leah said...

I'm totally with you on the dumb ear buds! UGH! They are constantly falling out. If I jam them further in, and twist so they're in there "just so", then they either hurt, or still fall out. Or both. annoying!!!