Monday, November 14, 2011

never a dull moment

Tonight the girls were tidying up the toy room. We recently got Granny's hand me down futon and we need to make some room for it in there. Yep, Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel are moving up in the world... no more air mattress on the floor in amongst the Polly Pockets, Little Pets and Barbies for them. So I sent them in their to tidy, but they were mostly arguing because they're sisters and that's what you do with your sibling when you are five and nine respectively. Also Abby is the one that actually cleans while Maya always has tired and/or sore legs.

So they are in there arguing and Abby is insisting that Maya get off her duff and help when Maya shoots back...

Well your name is Blah for the rest of my life now. Okay, Blah?

And then every time Abby said something to her I heard any one of the following...

What Blah?

Blah, I'm not listening to you.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Don't forget your name is Blah now.

She's just too much that one.


Betsy Hart said...

LOL! That is too funny. A few more years and I am sure we will be there. I have 6, 4, and 2 right now. =)

Goofball said...

wasn't Abby pretty upset by her sister when she did that. Oh I would have been