Sunday, September 07, 2014

sunday randoms

This weekend was filled with almost too much awesome. There was surprise parties to attend where we all laughed until our sides ached.

There was cabinets to paint where we all marveled in awe at Poppa's mad primering skills.

There was to do lists to organize and have mini anxiety attacks about.

There was hardware-ish type things to order off the internet and then worry about whether or not you ordered the right thing. For the record he says yes, don't worry and I'm decidedly ignoring that advice until they get here.

There was birthday breakfasts to squeeze in amongst the chaos. Happy birthday Granny! You are the best ever! With surprise special guests The World's Cutest Nephew, Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel. Oh and Linda's world famous cheesy eggs. I could eat those every day!

There was cloverbuds to lead. Which was a bit like herding cats and/or caging sand, but it all worked out fine in the end.

There was volunteer barbecues to attend and super fun people to talk TV shows with. Apparently I need to be watching Suits and Lilyhammer. Which sure! As soon as I wrap up Breaking Bad ad get caught up with Sons of Anarchy.

The pay off for all of that awesome is my house is a disaster area my laundry is half done and the sink is full of dishes...... seems a small price to pay.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

Sounds like a great week!