Thursday, April 23, 2020

learning at a distance

Somewhat naively, I thought this coronavirus distance learning was going to be a cake walk. One kid is dealing with a light semester and the other has always been a solid, nothing to worry about here, student. Yep, those were good times.

One kid is struggling with time management while questioning her ability to understand and complete the assigned work. Away from the physical classroom and the in person support of her teachers and classmates, she is quite simply struggling. Today after losing many daylight hours to the struggle of school work we took a break to watch the Meghan Markle narrated Elephant documentary, which we loved. Elephants are so fascinating. Later when heads were cool and our thought process no longer stressed, we discussed what we could change to help her be successful.

We both thrive on being organized, we like lists and planning out our time. Sundays always finds us together at our table laying out our week ahead in our agendas. It is a powerful tool that we are under utilizing at this time. I think we both feel into the feeling that with so little going on, it wasn't necessary, but that seems to be the wrong approach. So we re-group and try coming at it from a different angle. On top of the actual public school education that is happening, there is a big opportunity for the development of important life skills in problem solving, adapting, and overcoming adversity. Sometimes you just have to kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight. Wish us luck.


Lynn said...

I'm way behind on my blog reading so just catching this now, but I hope things have improved. My kids' teachers are all very much "do what you can" and have been very understanding about getting work done. I was surprised to find, in our house, that our usually organized oldest is the one who is suffering the most without in-person instruction - he just likes being able to ask a lot of questions and focuses better when someone is talking to him. We are encouraging all our kids to just try their best and take lots of physical breaks. It's a weird time for everyone, stressful and strange - you're definitely not the only one struggling with remote learning!

Goofball said...

we all learn these times
... on how we handle stress, uncertainty,
... on how we connect to people
... etc