Saturday, April 16, 2005

All Quiet on the Western Front

Well everything's back to normal around here. It only took about 5 days for the calm to return. Monday seems like a lifetime ago. Mike, Abby and I have been so disengaged from each other for most of this week. Abby's been off with various grandparents and Mike and I have been so focused on other things. I'd like to say that it's all behind us, but with spring comes a new rental season and our first bouncer rental is tomorrow. So off Abby goes with Grandma Linda for the day. Mike and I will get the first part of the year off and running together and then we'll work out a schedule that has me home with Abby a bit more.

There's always so much to do at the beginning of the season. Taxes need to be done, a budget projection needs to be done, customers need to be dealt with, new spreadsheets need to be set up. That all spells out a lot of computer time for Shannon. Please pray we have a better year than last year. I've got big plans for out little bouncer business, but big plans cost big money.

Tip of the week: if you're cleaning with straight bleach always wear rubber gloves. Your hands will thank you for it.

Abby Story: Whenever my brother is here to visit he always feels the need to teach Abby some new skill. How to make silly faces for example. These things usually come back to haunt me. Like when one of the little old ladies at Church asked Abby if she had fun with her Uncle and Abby stretched her mouth out with her fingers and stuck her toungue out because that's what Uncle Dave taught her, how to make silly faces. His last visit he taught her "brass knucks". Which involves the two of them touching both their fists with one another while saying "brass knucks." Wednesday night we had dinner with Grandma Sandi at a restaurant and in the middle of dinner Abby got down off her chair and walked over to Sandi with both fists up saying brass knucks, brass knucks Grandma. I can't wait to see what he's going to teach her next. It's probably a good thing he does live two hours away.

Today a three year old that goes to the sitter with Abby told me a knock knock joke. I gotta admit she found it way funnier than I did. Do you remember when you thought knock knock jokes were funny? When Dave and I were kids we had a huge thick joke book. I'm sure my parents cursed whoever gave it to us. Anyway there was one knock knock joke that had us in hysterics. I would tell it to Dave over and over and we'd die laughing. I mean it was only kind of funny the first time, but we still laughed ourselves silly. Even me and I would be the one telling it. We were warped children. Anyway for old times sake here it goes:

Knock knock
Who's there?
Apricot who?
Apricot my key, open up!

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