Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Love My Family!

I've never understood how people can pick up and move away from their families. I could never do it. Not in a million years. Which is probably why I don't understand how people can do it. As it is now my Mom is about 30 minutes away from me and that's just about too far. There's no way I could live happily without my family being very accessible to me. Lucky for me I married a man who feels exactly the same way I do. What brings this topic to mind you ask?

Well Mike and I had a major crisis last night. Without going into detail it was a throw your hands up in the air and what the hell do we do now kind of a moment. Times about a 1000. It was clear that a plan of action needed to be formed quickly. There was no question that the call for help would go out to family. Linda came immediatley to pick up Abby and get her out of the way. Brian got home from work had a shower and came over right away to join Mike and I in dealing with the issue at hand. During a brief pause in the action I made a quick call to Linda to see how she and Abby were doing. Linda had fed her dinner, taken her to Wal Mart and bought PJ's, was in the process of giving her a bath and told me that if it was easier Abby was more than welcome to spend the night there and Linda would drop her off at the sitters the next morning. If I could have reached through the phone I would have kissed her.

Cut to today and the crisis is downgraded to a slight panic until the water pump goes in Mike's car. Just when things were starting to look up. Jeff was available to give Mike a ride home from the garage. Thank goodness for that. I caught a ride home from work with my friend (thanks Nance!!). So that just leaves Abby. Sandi agrees to pick her up from the sitters, brings us dinner and offers to take Abby overnight tonight since Mike and I were still dealing with the downgraded crisis from the night before.

I can't imagine how we could have gotten through the last two days without our family. I mean it could have been done, I'm sure, but I'm so grateful we didn't have to. So to Dad, Linda, Sandi and Jeff a million thank yous!!

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