I had an appointment with my OB/GYN this afternoon. Just a regular check up to see how things are progressing with junior. I have shared care for this pregnancy, as I did when I was pregnant with Abby. Meaning I see my family Doctor half the time and my OB/GYN the other half the time. As it gets closer to my due date I'll strictly see the OB/GYN. A phase I never actually made it to with Abby since she couldn't wait to make her appearance.
My last appointment with my family Doctor resulted in me having a mild panic attack about having this baby. You see I somehow managed to gain 8 pounds in one month. I know, I know! I don't know how I did it either. That coupled with the fact that while I was only 28ish weeks at the time I was measuring 30 weeks. Now Abby's delivery was not without complications, but overall I got off pretty easy. Yes she was breach and yes she was already making her appearance by the time I got to the hospital and yes I was too late for any kind of drugs and yes they wouldn't let me push for what seemd like an eternity while they prepared for the possibility of an emergency c-section, but when they finally let me get down to business.... well she was like a rocket sled on rails. Out in no time flat. It helped that she was a total of 5 pounds 11 ounces. What a tiny little peanut she was. My entire labour from water breaking with no contractions to seeing my baby girl was 4 hours and 50 minutes.
So there I sat last week, terrified that I was going to have a giant baby. My girlfriend had a baby girl earlier this year and she tipped the scales at 10 pounds 4 ounces. Ouch doesn't begin to cover it. Now typically I'm not the worrying kind of girl. Well that's not exactly true, I do worry about things, I'm just pretty good at hiding it. You see Mike's the worrier of the family and believe me he worries enough for the two of us. He has accused me in the past of not caring about things, but I always point out that it's to no benefit to have us both freaking out about things. So here I was seriously worried about having this baby and for a change I was actually verbalizing it. Mike, I think, was a little surprised by my reaction so his response was an "oh it will be fine." Easy for him to say, he just gets to stand beside the bed and watch. That was probably my mistake, trying to get sympathy from someone who's never and will never have to give birth. Mike did make a valid point, either way I was going to have to have this baby, it just wasn't what I needed to hear at the time.
So for today's appointment I was nervous, positive that this baby had continued to grow even larger. Afraid to get on the scale, afraid I was going to measure off the chart. At my last appointment I was still on the chart, but just barely. Imagine my surprise when I got on the scale and I hadn't gained a single pound. I am currently 29 weeks 3 days and measured 30 weeks, so no change there either. My OB/GYN pronounced me big and beautiful and right where I should be. *PHEW* What a relief. Then she warned me that in the next four weeks I should start to "blossom". Umm, hello!? How much more blossoming can a girl do? I already have total strangers asking when I'm due and when I answer they're completely shocked that it's February and not tomorrow. I also get, "oh are you having twins?" a lot. Nope! Although my mother insists that I am, despite 3 ultrasounds, to the contrary.
Intially my family doctor had calculated my due date as Februray 23 and that's what I've been telling people. After a quick check on my chart, however, I noticed they had adjusted my due date to February 14th, a Valentine's baby. It's also Darlene's birthday, so maybe they'll get to share. The first time around she told me I'd better have a girl, which of course I did, this time she says a boy, so we'll see. Everybody around me says a boy, to the point where even I'm saying "he" in reference to the baby. Abby, however, insists she's having a little sister. Watch her be the only one who's right.
Speaking of Abby she's on a sleep over at Grandma Sandi's tonight. So Mike and I took advantage of the night off to go Christmas shopping. I picked up a little gift for a secret Santa thing I'm involved in. Now as I've mentioned before I've been doing more and more of my Christmas shopping online. I've been finding great deals on Ebay. I found it incredibly frustrating to see a lot of good gifts tonight, but knowing I can get better prices online. Not even necessarily on Ebay. I was looking at some books tonight, that I had checked prices on earlier and the one was $5.00 cheaper online and that was from a retail site. The night wasn't a total loss though. I did hit up the 88 cent Depot. They had orange flavoured smarties, 3 boxes for $.88. So I walked out with 6 boxes of orange flavoured smarties and 3 Caramel Crunch bars for a mere $4.18. Great deal for Abby's stocking and Robin's girl's goodie bags.
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