Friday, March 17, 2006

I Give

Well they're winning. What else can I say? I throw up my white flag in surrender and hope that they will finally have mercy on me. They make a formidable pair even though they haven't had that long to bond with each other. I think I'm in for a heap of trouble once they hit their teens.

I was lulled into a false sense of security last night as they were both in their beds sleeping soundly by 9 pm. By 11 pm Mike had retired to bed as well. The house was peaceful, but not for long. Maya awoke screaming for her bottle and the piercing sound woke Abby up as well. When I reached Maya's room I could hear Abby calling for me. Maya's room is first when you hit the upstairs hall so I scooped up her and headed on to Abby's room. Maya's screams clearly stated she needed to be fed about 5 minutes ago ao I had no other alternative than to bring Abby downstairs with me. So the three of us snuggled on the couch. Snuggled makes it sound like a very sweet moment, but it wasn't. You see Maya was eating, but fitfully and she was angry, boy was she angry. In my experience she either needed to poop, fart, burp or all of the above. For some reason she was unwilling or unable to do so. So she would suck for a moment or two and the open her mouth to wail and then return to sucking and so on. For her part Abby was sitting as close to me as was humanly possible without actually sitting on me. It made any movement I needed to make virtually impossible.

By 1:30 Maya was finally done eating and had fallen asleep, Abby was still wide eyed beside me, but I decreed it bed time. I insanely thought for a moment I held the power around here. How silly of me. Before Abby will go to bed I have to read her another story. You see it was past midnight and technically a new day so the story she had at her previous bedtime was no longer valid. So here I was at 1:30 reading Dora's Treasure Hunt as fast as I could get away with. Finally everyone was in bed. My head was just settled on the pillow when Maya was awake. I re-inserted her sucky and she drifted off. Abby was still awake in her room, reading and singing to herself. Back to bed I go and minutes later Maya is awake again. Repeat two more time. Now Abby is calling for me again. Did I mention it's after 2 at this point?

Something drastic needed to be done. I open Abby's door and order her into our bed. I head downstairs for Maya's car seat. So with Abby settled in between us and Maya on the floor in her car seat I finally managed to get some "sleep". Lying half on half off the bed and still awake enough to keep rocking Maya in her seat. Before I knew it 4 am had rolled around and time for Maya to eat. Abby was up briefly at 5, but went back to bed until 9 am. Here we are twelve hours later and Maya is fussy again after being a peach all day. We're supposed to have the girl's pictures done tomorrow morning. I'm reserving final judgement until the morning. Abby has a runny nose again and currently looks rather like a clown with her chapped nose and cheeks. So she'll be the deciding factor.

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