Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Take a Test Tuesday - What's Your Stress Style?

This test caught my eye because I get many comments on how well I handle stress. Or how I never really seem to be stressed. So what does Tickle think my stress style is.......

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Soother!

What's Your Stress Style?

Brought to you by Tickle

Well colour me shocked, they've done it again. I would have to say that "soother" is a pretty good tag for me. In our house Mike is the one who stresses and worries. I always tell him that I'm not allowed the luxury of stressing out about something because what would it help to have both of us freaking out. So I guess I've kind of been "forced" into the role of the "soother". I do also have an almost endless of patience so I think that helps a whole lot. I like to sit back and take in the big picture when possible. Try and gauge how the other people in a situation are dealing with things.

For example, Abby starts school in September which is a huge deal. All of the sudden she's so grown up. She'll be getting on the school bus and will be away from home for the whole day with "strangers". Mike's already freaking out about this. His Dad and Linda say she's too young to be going to school. They say it jokingly, but I'm sure if I told them we weren't going to send her to J/K they'd be totally fine with that. So while I may be feeling the same things as everybody else I feel like I can't express it because, I don't know, the world would implode or something. It's actually a good thing in many ways. Having to remain calm and go over the reasons why Abby going to school is a good thing really helps me to stay focused on the positive. Like she's dying to start school. Every time we see a school bus she asks if it's her school bus. She has her back pack already to go at a moment's notice.

When I do stress, and there are times I do, I tend to really internalize it. On Easter Sunday I was struggling to get everyone ready to head out the door for dinner at Dad and Linda's and I could feel my blood pressure was just sky rocketing. When Mike asked what the problem was I told him I didn't know rather than say I was stressed out trying to get a hungry screaming baby strapped in her car seat and a unco-operative pre-schooler into the coat she didn't want to wear at the same time making sure I hadn't forgotten any of the necessary equipment that goes along with going anywhere with kids. That's where this test is right again. I should be more willing to "show your true feelings, even when they're less than upbeat" because I certainly wasn't doing myself any favours.

So Tickle is now 3 for 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its only because deep down you want to be the "cool" Mom. Its ok to let them know you are stressed as long as it isn't mis-directed.
....and did you call the school????
love ya!