Saturday, May 06, 2006

Never Say Never

You can get yourself into all kinds of trouble by starting a sentence with these three words; I would never. Just by uttering that phrase you have a 100% probability of having to eat the very words that followed. I'm sure before you had kids (assuming, of course, that you already have kids if you don't then presently) you thought to yourself I would never let my kids eat sugar, watch TV, sleep in my bed or (insert your own I would never statement here). The next thing you know your first born is watching Barney in your bed while stuffing handfuls of Lucky Charms in their mouth and (insert your own I would never statement here).

Now I tried to find a loophole by qualifying my statement with the word try. So, for example, when I have kids I will *try* to never slack off on the discipline, lose my temper or my patience or let them eat sugar packets for lunch especially if they'd already had them for breakfast. I was feeling a bit cocky one day and did swear, in front of witnesses, that I would NEVER let my kids wear pants that had writing across their behinds.

I give you people's exhibit A:

2006-05-06 005

Yep so there you have it. Maya has been gifted with 4 pairs of pants that read, in order, Baby Bum, Sweetie, Purrfect and Princess across her diapered bottom. Now these were a gift, so what's a girl to do? Say thanks for the gift, but we can't accept it due to our strict "no reading material on our kid's ass policy"? That seems a little ungrateful. Plus I could very well be overeacting. Who's to say? I mean maybe pants designed to draw attention to children's behinds isn't a big deal. To be honest seeing tweens in these types of pants bothers me more than babies. That's not a judgement on anybody that wears them or who lets their kids wear them. We all have to decide what's best for our own. It's just a personal thing that bothers me which, of course, led me to; I would *NEVER* allow my kids to wear pants with writing on the butt.... until today that is. Who knew eating crow would be this tasty. Yum. Pass the ketchup.

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