Thursday, June 15, 2006

Transcript of a Late Night Snack

The Players: Abby, Mike and Shannon

The Setting: It's 9 pm, well past Abby's bedtime, but her tummy is both hungry and thirsty. It requires a "nack". She begins with a granola bar, but quickly pawns that off on her father when she remembers she has half of a slice of pizza in the fridge, remains from her lunch out with Papa that afternoon. She quickly devours most of the pizza leaving only a tiny sliver of sauced up dough next to the rock hard crust. She has ripped off a small quarter sized bite to feed to her Daddy.

Abby: Here Daddy, have some pizza.
Mike: No thanks.
Abby: in a singsong voice It tastes like Chocolate milk.
She presses it against his lips
Mike: Well okay. Mike has no choice, but accept the offering as Abby is relentlessly shoving it into his mouth. Oh this piece is wet. Please tell me this piece had sauce on it.
Shannon: Laughing hysterically No it didn't.
Mike: Oh God! I'm trying not to chew. I don't want to think about why it's wet. Oh God! I'm just going to swallow it whole.
Mike manages to swallow soggy piece of pizza down with no further chewing.
Mike: Abby how did that pizza get wet? Did you have it in your mouth?
Abby: No.
Mike: Did you lick it?
Abby: No.
Shannon continues to laugh hysterically.
Abby: I was just keeping it warm for you. Right here beside my tongue.
Shannon still laughing, wets pants just a little bit.
Mike: Well that explains why it tasted like crap.
Abby: Yeah just like crap. You know the crap that lives in the ocean.
Mike: There's crap in the ocean?
Abby: Yeah right under the water there's crap down there. Just like on Spongebob.
Mike: Do you mean *crabs*. Like Mr. *Crab* and the *crabbie* patties.
Abby: Yeah crap. Crappie Patties.

~End Scene~

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